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Skills passport

This page will share all the Skills I have picked up in my first year at University. This will include Model Making, Photoshop, and Sketchup. I will be sharing how my Skills in these areas develop as well as the positive impact it will have in my project work.

Model Making Skills Passport

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skills window.png
skills door .png
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Photoshop Skills passport


My  Mood Board

character .jpg

My Character Board

coffe house 2.jpg

My Visualisation

For third session of Skills passport I had to create my own visualisation using Adobe Photoshop. Using the Skills I learnt in the previous sessions, I was able to turn a boring image of a coffee lounge from the internet into a more modern, exciting one. I photoshopped in posters, lights, food, drinks and plants. I also changed the wallpaper design to clean up the original photo. My Visualisation was inspired by my mood and character board.  All three images I created on Photoshop match very well together and will come of great use in my further projects for film and television design as well as my Skills passport Artefact.

My Skills Passport Artefact

For My Skills Passport Artefact I have Created my own Boardgame using the skills that I have learnt in my Model Making and Photoshop sessions. My Photoshop Skills became very useful in putting together the boardgame as well as designing its packaging e.g. layering images and creating custom logos. My Model Making Skills were used greatly in making my food markers for the game, where I reused old Toys moulding them into something brand new, which were than hand painted to resemble a food.

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- The Boardgame also comes with a instructions card listing the contents inside, the rules of the game and a points list.

- Overall I am very pleased with how My Artefact has turned out and how it showcases the skills I have learnt in both my Model Making and Photoshop Skills Passport lessons.

- The Food Images used on the Boardgame, Cards and Packaging were AI Generated and than Photoshopped onto my own digital designs.

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